中世纪思潮 Inside the Medieval Mind

中世纪思潮 Inside the Medieval Mind

导演 : Dominic Sutherland

演员 : Robert Bartlett

类型 : 纪录片

语言 : 英语

地区 : 英国

  One of the world's greatest authorities on the Middle Ages, Professor Robert Bartlett of St Andrew's University, investigates the intellectual landscape of the medieval world.
  In the first programme, Knowledge, he explores the way medieval man understood the world - as a place of mystery, even enchantment. The world was a book written by God. But as the Middle Ages grew to a cl   One of the world's greatest authorities on the Middle Ages, Professor Robert Bartlett of St Andrew's University, investigates the intellectual landscape of the medieval world.
  In the first programme, Knowledge, he explores the way medieval man understood the world - as a place of mystery, even enchantment. The world was a book written by God. But as the Middle Ages grew to a close, it be

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