BBC达芬奇: 遗失的杰作--救世主 BBC Da Vinci: The Lost Treasure

BBC达芬奇: 遗失的杰作--救世主 BBC Da Vinci: The Lost Treasure

别名 : Salvator Mundi

导演 : Julian Birkett, Roger Parsons

演员 : Fiona Bruce

类型 : 纪录片

语言 : 英语

地区 : 英国

  《救世主》(意大利语:Salvator Mundi)是列奥纳多·达·芬奇的其中一幅画作。過去它曾隱沒很長一段時間,甚至一度被認為是达芬奇学生的作品。2004年,紐約的罗伯特·赛门(Robert Simon)以低价买下該画作。並交由專家修復與鑑定後,2011年終於重現在世人面前。
  Salvator Mundi is a painting of Christ as Salvator Mundi recently attributed to Leonardo da Vinci, who is known to have painted the subject. It was lost and later rediscovered, and restored and exhibited in 2011. The painting shows Christ,   《救世主》(意大利语:Salvator Mundi)是列奥纳多·达·芬奇的其中一幅画作。過去它曾隱沒很長一段時間,甚至一度被認為是达芬奇学生的作品。2004年,紐約的罗伯特·赛门(Robert Simon)以低价买下該画作。並交由專家修復與鑑定後,2011年終於重現在世人面前。
  Salvator Mundi is a painting of Christ as Salvator Mundi recently attributed to Leonardo da Vinci, who is known to have painted the subject. It was lost and later rediscovered, and restored and exhibited in 2011. The painting shows Christ, in Renaiss

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