BBC 丑陋的美丽 BBC Ugly Beauty

BBC 丑陋的美丽 BBC Ugly Beauty

导演 : BBC

演员 : Waldemar Januszczak

上映时间 : 1970年01月01日

语言 : 英语

地区 : 英国

  有的思想家这么认为,他们觉得现代艺术已经无法把握真正的美。然而艺术评论家Waldemar Januszczak却不同意。
  Has beauty disappeared from modern art? Several influential modern thinkers insist that it has. And this belief has inspired them to publish a clutch of recent books which claim that modern art is no longer capable of capturing true beauty: that beauty has gone from art. Art critic Waldemar Januszczak fi   现代艺术中的美丽消失了吗?
  有的思想家这么认为,他们觉得现代艺术已经无法把握真正的美。然而艺术评论家Waldemar Januszczak却不同意。
  Has beauty disappeared from modern art? Several influential modern thinkers insist that it has. And this belief has inspired them to publish a clutch of rece

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