BBC: this world 2012系列之欧元危机 BBC This World 2012 Great Euro Crisis

BBC: this world 2012系列之欧元危机 BBC This World 2012 Great Euro Crisis

导演 : Jeremy Bristow

演员 : Michael Portillo

类型 : 纪录片

上映时间 : 1970年01月01日

片长 : 59分钟

语言 : 英语

地区 : 英国

  Self-confessed Eurosceptic Michael Portillo visits debt-stricken Greece. He believes that the euro crisis must have shaken the Greeks' faith in Europe's single currency and wonders if there'll be a desire to revert to the free-floating drachma. In Athens he meets everyone from a destitute young family to the former finance minister and the outgoing Prime Minister, and is surpri   Self-confessed Eurosceptic Michael Portillo visits debt-stricken Greece. He believes that the euro crisis must have shaken the Greeks' faith in Europe's single currency and wonders if there'll be a desire to revert to the free-floating drachma. In Athens he meets everyone from a destitute young family to the former finance minister and the outgoing Prime Minister, and is surprised by some of their answers.
  Meanwhile in Germany, Europe's economic powerhouse, Michael enc

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