BBC.中国瓷器瑰宝 Treasures of Chinese Porcelain

BBC.中国瓷器瑰宝 Treasures of Chinese Porcelain

导演 : Ian Denyer

演员 : Lars Tharp

上映时间 : 1970年01月01日

片长 : 60分钟

语言 : 英语

地区 : 英国

  In November 2010, a Chinese vase unearthed in a suburban semi in Pinner sold at auction for £43 million - a new record for a Chinese work of art. Why are Chinese vases so famous and so expensive? The answer lies in the European obsession with Chinese porcelain that began in the 16th century.
  In this documentary Lars Tharp, the Antiques Roadshow expert and Chinese ceramics speci   In November 2010, a Chinese vase unearthed in a suburban semi in Pinner sold at auction for £43 million - a new record for a Chinese work of art. Why are Chinese vases so famous and so expensive? The answer lies in the European obsession with Chinese porcelain that began in the 16th century.
  In this documentary Lars Tharp, the Antiques Roadshow expert and Chinese ceramics specialist, set

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