自然世界:玛雅地下世界之谜 Natural World: Secrets of the Maya Underworld

自然世界:玛雅地下世界之谜 Natural World: Secrets of the Maya Underworld

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类型 : 纪录片

上映时间 : 1970年01月01日

语言 : 英语

地区 : 英国

  Unlike other great civilizations such as the Romans and the Ancient Egyptians, the Mayan empire did not arise from the banks of a mighty river.
  Much of the Mayan world is in fact devoid of even the smallest river or lake. Then why did they populate Yucatan? The Maya believed that the freshwater pools, ‘cenotes’, dotted across the area were sacred portals to the underworld.
  They   Unlike other great civilizations such as the Romans and the Ancient Egyptians, the Mayan empire did not arise from the banks of a mighty river.
  Much of the Mayan world is in fact devoid of even the smallest river or lake. Then why did they populate Yucatan? The Maya believed that the freshwater pools, ‘cen

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