

导演 : 戴夫·马卡基

演员 : Eileen Daly / Eamonn Collinge / John Cale

类型 : 短片

上映时间 : 1970年01月01日

片长 : 28分钟

语言 : 英语

地区 : 英国

  This is one of the most beautiful and mysterious shorts committed to film. Visuals are more like a moving painting than anything else I've seen. There are certainly elements of films like City of Lost Children in there, but taken to another level. Visually only Casshern comes close to this, for sheer depth of vision. It just shows you what is possible for people to achieve with   This is one of the most beautiful and mysterious shorts committed to film. Visuals are more like a moving painting than anything else I've seen. There are certainly elements of films like City of Lost Children in there, but taken to another level. Visually only Casshern comes close to this, for sheer depth of vision. It just shows you what is possible for people to achieve with some imagination. Too many film makers seem to want to use digital effects to create the most realistic looking sets/ extras/ stunts, when they should be concentrating

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