汽车游行 Automobile Parade

汽车游行 Automobile Parade

导演 : William 'Daddy' Paley

演员 :

类型 : 纪录片 / 短片

片长 : 2分钟

语言 : 无对白

地区 : 美国

  The famous Madison Square Garden forms the background of this excellent picture. A number of very fine automobiles pass in this strip, coming close to the camera and show clear and life size. A very strange coincidence in the closing of the picture is two old ladies who drive by in a dilapidates looking buggy drawn by a long eared mule. This is a remarkable picture showing up-t   The famous Madison Square Garden forms the background of this excellent picture. A number of very fine automobiles pass in this strip, coming close to the camera and show clear and life size. A very strange coincidence in the closing of the picture is two old ladies who drive by in a dilapidates looking buggy drawn by a long eared mule. This is a remarkable picture showing up-to-date means of transportation in New York City, and the incident of the mule and the two old ladies adds a sufficient amount of humor.

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