胖子与瘦子 Le gros et le maigre

胖子与瘦子 Le gros et le maigre

别名 : The Fat and the Lean

导演 : Roman Polanski

演员 : André Katelbach / 罗曼·波兰斯基 Roman Polanski

类型 : 喜剧 / 短片 / 音乐

上映时间 : 1970年01月01日

语言 : 无对白

地区 : 法国

  A small and thin barefoot slave (played by Polanski) plays a flute and beats a drum to entertain his large master who rocks in a rocking chair in front of his mansion. The slave jumps and leaps like a madman, wipes his master's brow, feeds him, washes his feet, shades him from the sun with an umbrella and holds a urinal for him.

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