都会爱情故事 Life in a Metro

都会爱情故事 Life in a Metro

别名 : 地铁人生

导演 : Anurag Basu

演员 : 达尔门德拉 / 伊尔凡·可汗 / 康柯纳·森·沙尔玛 / 凯·凯·门农 / 希尔帕·谢蒂

类型 : 剧情 / 喜剧 / 爱情

上映时间 : 1970年01月01日

语言 : 北印度语

地区 : 印度

  Mumbai, the sprawling metropolis, the economic capital of India is synonymous with ambition and a drive for professional success and money-making : something Rahul possesses in ample amounts. Working in a BPO he has found out a sure-shot way to his promotion - the key to his uncle's apartment where he is the house sitter. His colleagues and superiors use the apartment for their   Mumbai, the sprawling metropolis, the economic capital of India is synonymous with ambition and a drive for professional success and money-making : something Rahul possesses in ample amounts. Working in a BPO he has found out a sure-shot way to his promotion - the key to his uncle's apartment where he is the house sitter. His colleagues and superiors use the apartment for their sexual escapades and return the favour to Rahul by offering him job incentives and promotions. Rahul loves his colleague Neha, but he's shocked to find out that she is

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