冬日故事 Encore un Hiver

冬日故事 Encore un Hiver

别名 : One More Winter / Another Winter

导演 : 弗朗索瓦丝·萨冈

演员 : Alice Reichen

上映时间 : 1970年01月01日

语言 : 法语

地区 : 法国

  Francoise Sagan (1935-2004) wrote her first novel Bonjour Tristesse (Hello, Sadness) at the age of 18, that was an immediate international success. During the following years she wrote several novels and plays, and became one of the icons of French literary life. This rare film is directed by Francoise Sagan and based on one of her plays. It's a love story, including 3 or 4 oth   Francoise Sagan (1935-2004) wrote her first novel Bonjour Tristesse (Hello, Sadness) at the age of 18, that was an immediate international success. During the following years she wrote several novels and plays, and became one of the icons of French literary life. This rare film is directed by Francoise Sagan and based on one of her plays. It's a love story, including 3 or 4 other love stories, set in a park a winter's day. The excellent prefromance of old woman is played by Alice Reichen.

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