生日快乐 แฮปปี้เบิร์ธเดย์

生日快乐 แฮปปี้เบิร์ธเดย์

别名 : เบิร์ดเดย์ / Happy Birthday

导演 : Pongpat Wachirabunjong

演员 : 阿南达·爱华灵咸 / Zerina Veesanun / Antwone Rommayanun / Chayanan Manomaisantiphap

类型 : 剧情 / 爱情

上映时间 : 1970年01月01日

语言 : 泰语

地区 : 泰国

  Destiny has brought Ten and Pao to meet through a story in touring book. Though they haven't seen each other yet, the letters in the book was written and sent to both of them. Until one day, when they meet by chance, the acquaintance they've made through the book begins to blossom and develop to love. They vow not to be apart from one another no matter what would come. There's   Destiny has brought Ten and Pao to meet through a story in touring book. Though they haven't seen each other yet, the letters in the book was written and sent to both of them. Until one day, when they meet by chance, the acquaintance they've made through the book begins to blossom and develop to love. They vow not to be apart from one another no matter what would come. There's a twist when Ten doesn't get his birthday present that Pao sends to him, but they still hold on to the vow that one day they'll be together forever.

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