青春期的法国男孩 Les beaux gosses

青春期的法国男孩 Les beaux gosses

别名 : 法式香吻(台) / 国中男生(台) / 美丽的孩子 / The French Kissers

导演 : Riad Sattouf

演员 : Valeria Golino / Irène Jacob / Emmanuelle Devos

类型 : 喜剧

上映时间 : 1970年01月01日

语言 : 法语

地区 : 法国

  14-year-old Hervé is an average teenager who lives with his mother and struggles to cope with his libido impulses, unprepossessing physique and mediocre intellect. His major preoccupation is dating a girl. Unfortunately, in this area, girls keep turning him down. But he hasn’t given up hope yet. One day, without really understanding how, it seems that Aurore, one of the prettie   14-year-old Hervé is an average teenager who lives with his mother and struggles to cope with his libido impulses, unprepossessing physique and mediocre intellect. His major preoccupation is dating a girl. Unfortunately, in this area, girls keep turning him down. But he hasn’t given up hope yet. One day, without really understanding how, it seems that Aurore, one of the prettiest girls in his class, actually likes him. Camel, his best friend, who is heavily into hand jobs and porn films, persuades Hervé to try to sleep with Aurore. Hervé boas

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