寻找约翰·吉辛 The Search For John Gissing

寻找约翰·吉辛 The Search For John Gissing

导演 : Mike Binder

演员 : Alan Rickman / Mike Binder / Janeane Garofalo

类型 : 喜剧

上映时间 : 1970年01月01日

片长 : 91分钟

语言 : 英语

地区 : 英国 / 美国

  After his corporate career finds him transferred to London, Matthew Barnes (Binder) and his wife (Garofalo) are taken for a ride by John Gissing (Rickman), the associate he has unknowingly come to replace.
  Refusing to be pushed out, Gissing intentionally misguides the couple, leaving them stranded in a foreign country, broke, homeless, and continuously finding themselves in the   After his corporate career finds him transferred to London, Matthew Barnes (Binder) and his wife (Garofalo) are taken for a ride by John Gissing (Rickman), the associate he has unknowingly come to replace.
  Refusing to be pushed out, Gissing intentionally misguides the couple, leaving them stranded in a foreign country, broke, homeless, and continuously finding themselves in the most awkw

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