A Very British Cult

A Very British Cult

导演 : Adam Oldroyd

演员 : Miranda Hart / Richard Herring / Gus Brown / Alex MacQueen

类型 : 喜剧 / 短片

上映时间 : 1970年01月01日

片长 : 20分钟

语言 : 英语

地区 : 英国

  A Very British Cult tells the story of David, a cult leader with a problem. He knows Jesus is returning but he forgot to confirm the date. His disciples are leaving in droves for another cult in Dorset with better facilities, his wife is thinking of leaving him and his remaining followers are more interested in Chocolate Hob-Nobs than the Almighty. But God is about to send Davi   A Very British Cult tells the story of David, a cult leader with a problem. He knows Jesus is returning but he forgot to confirm the date. His disciples are leaving in droves for another cult in Dorset with better facilities, his wife is thinking of leaving him and his remaining followers are more interested in Chocolate Hob-Nobs than the Almighty. But God is about to send David a message, if only he can figure out what it means?

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