A Journey to Avebury

A Journey to Avebury

导演 : Derek Jarman

演员 :

类型 : 短片

片长 : 10分钟

地区 : 英国

  Derek Jarman is often said to be a painter rather than a movie director. Indeed, with his films he makes pictures that seem to be more important than the plot (which is usually unclear or missing at all). But those pieces of art he creates using camera are beautiful and astounding.
  A JOURNEY TO AVEBURY, his 1971 silent short movie, is a literal journey that we can experience. W   Derek Jarman is often said to be a painter rather than a movie director. Indeed, with his films he makes pictures that seem to be more important than the plot (which is usually unclear or missing at all). But those pieces of art he creates using camera are beautiful and astounding.
  A JOURNEY TO AVEBURY, his 1971 silent short movie, is a literal journey that we can experience. We are bein

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